June 12, 2022

NMEA 2000 temperature sensor, wet exhaust

In former posts I used the temperatur sensor DS18B20, in several applications, but now it was time for the boats exhaust temperature and checking out YDTC-13 from Yacht Devices(YDTC). (But please note that the YDTC can be used in any temperature application.)

When you are boating, using the engine, it's very important that the cooling water always is present otherwise major damages can follow. In "wet exhaust" systems it's easy to get the temperature which I posted here.

June 10, 2022

Exhaust temperature measure, boat

Updated 2022-06-10 !

In other posts I blogged about a way to measure temperature with a Raspberry Pi(RPi), direct connected or via WiFi, together with the marine applikation SignalK(SK). In this post I will follow up with a short brief about the practical solution, measuring exhaust temperature in a boat and sending an alarm if the temperature exceeds a set value .

In "wet exhaust" systems it is very important that the cooling water, injected in the exhaust system, always is present otherwise major damages can follow.

If you wan't to avoid a RPi check this post with approved NMEA 2000 temperature sensors from Yacht Devices