July 10, 2020

Homebridge, autostart with systemd

Updated 2020-07-10 !

systemd is service manger which autostart jobs and it will even 
restart the Homebridge(HB) job if it fails !  

Keep it simple !! New post with a script which handles the setup automagically !! or use the latest HB install where this is included.

Other HomeKit posts on this Blogg

VHF antenna splitter, receive

During my AIS project with SDR:s as receivers I built my own antenna for use at home, a standard DIY dipol antenna

I connected the dipol, to SDR antenna input, with an a female SMA extension cable which I cut it in two pieces and soldered to the dipol. 

For the boat I didn't want an extra VHF antenna so....

July 07, 2020

SignalK, measuring temperature II

An introduction to the SignalK(SK), Marine application, is given here.

A very easy way to measure temperatures with SK is to use one wire (1W) DS18B20 (DS)temperature sensors. 

In a former post the DS:s where connected direkt to the RPi GPIO:s, but in this post they are WiFi enabled via the Shelly 1(S1). Alarms are also sent when the temperature exceeds a set value.

If humidity is of interest You can use a  DHT22 sensor instead of a DS sensor.