June 30, 2024

OpenPlotter v4 stable, install guide

Updated 2024-06-30 !

OpenPlotter(OP), a Boat Navigation application, is really a nice and simple installation of

and other supporting applications for Your boat.

An overall information about the OP package is found here 
and you can watch the OP v4 progress here.

June 20, 2024

Node-Red quick install

Updated 2024-06-22 !

Node-Red(NR) is Flow-based programming for the Internet of Things

This post isn't made as a complete install guide, there are several, just some links to the best information I have found.

The best thing is that even if you don't are a skilled programmer, but like logic flows, you can make really advanced things. It's pre-installed on some Raspberry Pi(RPi) distributions.

June 06, 2024

Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4, 5 USB SSD or USB drive boot

Updated 2024-06-06 !

After having tested several methods creating a bootable USB SSD, or other USB drive, for Raspberry Pi(RPi) 3 4 and 5, I finished with this simple method
  • Create the setup you want on a ordinary SD card(Or use existing)
  • Make a bootable backup/clone of the SD card saving it to the USB SSD
  • Remove the SD card and boot from the USB SSD
Having a RPi 4, 5 ? Use this post on how to write the OS direct to the SSD.

June 05, 2024

Raspberry 4,5 USB SSD boot in 60 seconds !

Updated 2024-06-05 !

Yes, it's really true ! Thats the maximum time it takes to write the Raspberry Pi(RPi) OS to a bootable USB SSD and maybe read this post ?

If you have a RPi 4, 5 and a USB SSD or other USB drive, that works as a boot media, just use the RPi imager which can write the image direct to the USB  storage.

Having an older RPi ? Use this post instead.

If you already have a SD card with working applications and you want to "transfer", copy/clone, them to a bootable SSD use this post.