April 16, 2022

Raspberry 4 USB SSD boot in 60 seconds !

Updated 2022-04-16 !

Yes, it's really true ! Thats the maximum time it takes to write the Raspberry Pi(RPi) OS to a bootable USB SSD and maybe read this post ?

If you have a RPi 4 and a USB SSD or other USB drive, that works as a boot media, just use the RPi imager which can write the image direct to the USB  storage. But check this first.

Having an older RPi ? Use this post instead.

If you already have a SD card with working applications and you want to "transfer", copy/clone, them to a bootable SSD use this post.

How to
  • Download the RPi imager and start the application
  • Use the "Advanced options", to set parameters. Especially the user and password!
  • Connect the SSD to your workstation
  • Choose a RPi OS
  • Choose the storage, the SSD
  • Click on "WRITE", which with RPi OS Lite, already downloaded, took less than 35 seconds.
  • Eject the SSD and disconnect it from the workstation
  • Connect it to the RPi
  • Connect power to the RPi and wait a little....
  • Log on to the RPi
You are done !

Nice and quick, isn't it ?

If you want a bootable backup of the SSD/storage, to for example a SD card, use this post, also mentioned above, or if you are using a RPi GUI the standard "SD Card Copier".

The same apps are used for a restore.

Problems ?
Is the RPi firmware really updated ? With 

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt clean

both the OS, firmware and bootloader(critical bug fixes), nowadays, will be updated.
So no additional measures have to be taken in consideration.

In rare cases you could have some of the first RPi 4 with an old bootloader that don't support USB boot. Checking with 

sudo rpi-eeprom-update

the "CURRENT:" should be greater or equal to " Thu  3 Sep 12:11:43 UTC 2020"
Instructions how to upgrade are found here.

Bootable media
Is really the chosen USB media a bootable media for a RPi ? 
Can't help you there, but Google and get the answer.


  1. Hi! Great blog, I'm finding everything I need here, almost at least ;)
    I currently have a working raspbian OS (buster) on a sdcard in a pi 3b+. Now I have purchased a RP4 and a M.2 sata drive that I plan to use instead. Which of your tremendous blog articles should I refer to in this case (cloning the RP3b+ OS from sdcard to the M.2 drive situated in a RP4)?

    Thanks again!

    1. Thx ! I would start testing the applications on the SD card inserted in the RPi 4. Then I would use the post https://pysselilivet.blogspot.com/2017/11/rpi-clone-raspberry-boot-disk.html What info do you miss ?

  2. Following your guidance it all went great! Do not miss a thing, many thanks!


Feel free to leave a comment ! ... but due to a lot of spam comments I have to moderate them. Will reply ASAP !