March 07, 2018

Weather34, the production version

Updated 2019-05-12 !

I have got some questions which version we are using for the moment at the site 

The version is from 2019-05-12 and You can get the whole site code from here.

Please note that I have done some modifications so if You want the original code please rename 


January 22, 2018

ViewSonic SC-T25 and certificates

ViewSonic SC-T25, VS, handles certificates, cert, for different applications in Base64-encoded DER format.

If You open the certificate file, with a simple text editor, it shall begin with "---- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----" and end with "---- END CERTIFICATE ----" if it is the right format.

The most simple way to load the cert, is to use "Method 1".
Please note that You log in with the CLIENT, PC/Mac, user/password.

Another method is "Method 3". In this example I will load Citrix Intermediate Certs to the SC-T25 from a USB stick.

January 17, 2018

ViewSonic SC-T25 upgrade VTOS

This cost effective Thin Client is based on Raspberry Pi 3 and together with Stratodesk OS it is very versatile

If You bought, or got, the thin ViewSonic client, VT, produced before date 2017-07, You can upgrade to the better Stratodesk NoTouch OS with out any cost. This OS  is the "standard" OS for new devices.

October 29, 2017

Qubino flush dimmer 1-10 V

We bought a nice LED lamp, Nemo Ellisse Pendant Double, which was said to be dimmable, but when receiving it there was a big IF  !!! 

The lamp was not "standard" dimmable, instead it was dimmable with 1-10 VDC or 100 Kohm potentiometer.

The 1-10 VDC control is common in big installations, in public environment, since it can control a lot of lamps with one dimmer.

Checking the lamp I found that the AC/DC LED driver was a Mean Well LPF-90D and in the drivers specification the second IF was found !!

The lowest control level didn't switch of the lamp

October 22, 2017

Volvo Penta D4/D6 water pump leak

The sea water pump, labeled 3589907 and replaced by 21380890, was leaking a little so a change of seal was necessary. Numbers below refers to the explode view.
  • Detach the generator belt from the pump pulley and the 2 hoses from the pump.
  • Unscrew the water pump, 4 scews, from the engine block.
  • Remove the cover, 7, from the pump.
  • Pull out the impeller, 6.
  • Remove the cam, 4, by unscrewing screw 18.
  • Remove the washer, 22.
  • Remove the lock ring 14 and washer 21.
  • With a pliers remove the seal 8.

August 11, 2017

OpenPlotter V1, NMEA data TO file

Updated 2021-12-14

A newer post in the same subject !!

Sometimes You want to "take home" Your latest trip on sea and "replay" it or replay it doing some changes in the settings for the OpenPlotter or OpenCPN applikation and se the result direct.

One way is to create log files with the the "raw" NMEA data and then use them at home with tips from this post.

Creating log files from NMEA 2000 bus, N2K, is the most straightforward.

August 03, 2017

OpenPlotter V1, USB sensors install

Updated 2018-06-26!

If You started with my quick instal guide You are a little familiar with OpenPlotter, (OP), basics and now we proceed with the sensors. Don't forget to delete the RMC sentence from the "NMEA 0183 generator" which we used.

Link to a stand alone AIS receiver.

Not valid for OP Beta V2 !!  Check here !

July 21, 2017

OpenPlotter V1, NMEA data FROM file

Updated 2021-02-23 !

newer post in the same subject !!

For Openplotter V2 check here

To test Openplotter, (OP), together with OpenCPN,(OC), without connecting to the navigation network on board there are two features 
  • Using the NMEA generators, found in the OP "Tools" menu 
  • Use log files which are stored within the SignalK application.

May 15, 2017

RPi, Raspberry image backup to Mac

Updated 2018-02-14 !

This backup method will make a copy/image of the whole card even if there is very little data on it. So if the card is 16Gb, the backup file also will be 16Gb. On the other hand You can ZIP the image file to save space.

Another, maybe smarter ?,  backup method is described here.

January 18, 2017

The ULTIMATE Weather WEB-site ??

Updated 2017-08-25 !

If You have a Private Weather Station(PWS) and would like to have a good view over the data and, as an add on, also forecasts from Weather Underground (WU) this free software probably solves Your problem. Despite that the project is terminated the code is available and instructions is available at my other posts

November 24, 2016

Thunderbolt cable replacement

The 27" Thunderbolt Display, part number A1407, is connected to my MacBook Air and sometimes the display is going black.

After some Googling I found that other people have had the same problem and the issue is that the Thunderbolt cable is defect.

The thing is always to get the right spare part number which is 922-9941

So search with Google or Bing => "Apple cable 922-9941"

Some hints to exchange the cable is to follow the relevant parts of these instructions on IFIXIT

I bought suctions cups from Biltema to lift the the glas screen which is attached with magnets

November 09, 2016

Empty the water system

Empty the fresh water system with compressed air !!

One of the things, when You head back to land with the boat, is to empty the fresh water system. I have got several instructions/tips over the years but the best advise I got is to empty the pipework with compressed air.

Some time ago I bought a handy Stanly compressor from Jula. Just below 10 Kg in weight including a 6 liter tank. Nice for smaller works

November 08, 2016

Find Your Car with iPhone

Have You ever felt lost, coming out from a shopping mall and just wondering;

Where the heck did I leave my car ???

If Your iPhone is connected to Your car with Bluetooth the problem is solved.

Apple have had a brainstorming so just follow the advice in this support information.

How to find your parked car with Maps on your iPhone

and You are all safe.

October 20, 2016

Two Factor Authentication on old ATV

If You activated Two Factor Authentication, 2FA, on Your devices it could be that Your old Apple TV 2 or 3 after some time wants to be in the same "club".
Two weeks after I activated 2FA for my other devices, my ATV 2 demanded the code for 2FA?? I tried to log on to the ATV2 with my iCloud password but didn't succeed.

In the same article mentioned above, there is info for devices running older software.

"Then type your password followed by the six-digit verification code directly into the password field."

October 17, 2016

Unboxing EVE HomeKit products

Since the HomeKit app, Home, for iOS was shipped with iOS 10 it was time to check its possibilities.

After some checking the products from Elgatos Eve seemed to be a way to start. They also have a free App which I like. The disadvantage is that they are Bluetooth devices with a limited range and therefore have to be pretty close to an Apple TV.

I started up with the Eve Room, indoor sensor, and Eve Energy, switch and power meter, and the Apple TV 4 as Home hub.

Apple have god instructions here and there, read them, but first update the firmware of the accessories, in this case via the Elgato Eve app, otherwise the Home app will probably not recognise them.

October 07, 2016

Secure Your Apple ID

The big thing is that if You follow the setup on the Apple link below You can limit the access to Your Apple account to only trusted devices.

So even if a Hacker have both Your Apple ID and password it is not enough to access Your account.

Two-factor authentication for Apple ID

October 05, 2016

Blocking address change

If You missed it, and live in Sweden  !

Now You can block unauthorised address change using Skatteverkets website. Just log on using some electronic identification and then register. After this registration its only possible to change Your address, when moving in the future, using electronic identification.

September 28, 2016

Dishwasher servicecode 60

The PCB is mounted just below the buttons
Our Husqvarna dishwasher QB 6221 stoped working and displayed the servicecode 60. The washer stops dishing and the pump empties the washer.

After some Googling I found some Guys who have had the same problem and it indicates overheating. It also seems that many modells from both Husqvarna and Electrolux shares the same control electronics.

September 22, 2016

Reclosable Fastener, Velcro

I think there is many people like me that don't like to make new holes in their boat, so 3M have made a fantastic solution, Dual Lock, that in many use cases solves the problem.

Its a type of Velcro but there is no male/female part. Both parts are same

Many of the interior panels in our boat is attached with this fastener.

One application was that we wanted to hang the nice George Jensen gauges on the bulkhead/wall but, as said, didn't want to make any new screw holes. The solution was to make a mahogany plate with the screws and then attach the plate with Dual lock to the wall. In order to have the plate close to the wall a cavity was made on the backside of the plate. The cavity was made with a router.

September 20, 2016

Creating HTML mail, Mac

Creating fancy HTML mail with Mac

Sometimes You really want to send out a fancy mail that hopefully receives by different operative systems and hardware in a similar way.

  • Start with editing Your source in Your favourite editor, could be MS Word, and then save it as WEB page/HTML. 
  • Then right click on it and open it with Safari. 
  • In Safari, File - Share - Mail contents of this page.
  • This opens up Mac Mail. 
  • In Mac Mail be sure  "Send Web Content" is set to "Web Page"
  • Enter the recipients and click Send

In Word it is simple to edit pictures and even add weblinks to pictures and text. This editing will "transfered" all the way to the mail.

August 29, 2016

Refurbish nameplates

Refurbish the Storebro Commander nameplates.

The nameplates are manufactured by using a router, carving out the characters/lines, and then the entire plate is painted with a white paint. After that they are sanded so that the white colour only remains in the characters/lines and then afterwards the plate is finished with several coats of clear varnish. The problem is that the sharp edge between the characters and the surface makes that the varnish doesn't becomes thick enough, because of the surface tension. After some years the varnish cracks, at the sharp edges, and the moist raises the varnish and 
You have a problem.

August 23, 2016

Hinge Jabsco toilet

Replacing hinge for Jabsco toilet, 37045-1092, lid

Sometimes it's easy maintenance, but the hardest thing is to find the right parts. After some Googling I found the part at Hjertmans with the Jabsco sparepart number 29098-2000

August 15, 2016

ST NG software update

Updating the software for the ST1 to ST NG converter, Raymarine E22158
The easiest way to find the right software is to visit -Support -Software updates 
And for this case then -Networking -Seatalk NG converter
Since we have an E 120 just I click on the link for E series Classic and the software will be downloaded.
Open up the folder where the software "landed"