February 06, 2025

Installing Ubuntu 24.04 or 24.10 on an old MacBook Air(2011)

Updated 2025-02-06 !

I have done several posts Blogging about how to keep an old MacBook Air(MBA), mid 2011(A1369), with SSD disk "alive". I have used the fantastic software package
OpenCore Legacy patcher to upgrade the Mac to the latest Mac OS. 

A while ago i tested Mac OS Sequoia(15.3), on the mentioned Mac, but I had to admit that it was to much for the 14 year old companion.

I really like the Mac and everything works, after a battery change, so it ended up with installing Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS or if you want the latest scroll down and get Ubuntu 24.10.

February 03, 2025

Home Assistant core install, Raspberry Pi and Python 3.12

Updated 2025-02-03 !

The best way to start with Home Assistant(HA), and Raspberry Pi(RPi), is off course to use the ”Raspberry Pi imager” and in the menu select "Other specific-purpose OS => Home Assistant and home automation => Home Assistant". This will install the HA operating system.

It works very well and here are the install instructions

On the other hand if you want to add HA to a RPi which you already have up and running, without Docker, you need to install something which is called "Home Assistant Core".

Please check the "Remarks" below before you start.

January 23, 2025

iCloud drive sync, or mount, with a Linux, Ubuntu, device

Updated 2025-01-23 !

With my project to keep a MacBook Air 2011(MBA) alive, Ubuntu installed, i searched for a solution where my iCoud drive(iCD) was 
continuous synced with my MBA. This must work both ways so even a file change made on MBA should be replicated to iCD.

rclone now, 2025-01, works with iCloud !! Setup below !!

Before "rclone" was working with iCloud I solved my sync between iCD and MBA with Syncthing(ST). Check below. ST doesn't sync with iCloud so the work around here was to use my MacMini, Mac OS, as the "Middle man". It's always on and synced with iCD.

January 10, 2025

IKEA Bäve dimmer hack II

Updated 2025-01-10 !

Dimming not dimmable LED, IKEA Bäve, produced before 2019-11 and a new idea for later products !

In former post I used a Fibaro Z-Wave RGBW controller but in this post I will use an IKEA original or an external dimmer ?!

January 09, 2025

Install Weather34 with WeatherLink

Updated 2025-01-09 PHP 8.2 !

If You want Your Private Weather Station(PWS) Davis Vantage Pro2, or other Davis products that use WeatherLink, to provide data for the template we use at Domstens Båtklubb just follow the instructions below. 

This is made without additional software such as Cumulus, Weather display or the Meteobridge product.

This application is updated !!, to use the v2 API. Check  this post !!

January 08, 2025

Install Weather34 with WeatherLink, v2 API

Updated 2025-01-08 OK PHP 8.2 !

This post is an update from a former post which handles on how to set up a weather WEB-site with data from Davis Weather Link(WL) but here adapted to the latest WL API v2.

Any product that reports weather data to WL can be used as a source for this weather template.

This is made without additional software such as Cumulus, Weather display or the Meteobridge product.

January 04, 2025

DMI forecast API for atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, free !

Updated 2025-01-04

DMI is the Danish Meteorological Institute and the
 Open Data API provides free and open access to DMI’s data.They are covering a pretty big area not just Denmark.

I'm maintaining the weather station for Domstens yacht club and have become really interested in weather "issues".

The actual use case for me is that I have to change the mooring, of our boat, if the water level exceeds 60 cm from normal. For several years I have been searching for a free forecast API so I can get an early warning when the water level rises.

Node-Red is used.

January 02, 2025

ReSound Smart 3D app for ReSound hearing aids

Beeing forced to use a hearing aid(HA) is not that fun but on the other hand it's always exciting with new electronic gadgets and to better participate in conversations with other people. 

In this post I will just summarize some points gathered when setting up the HA with the ReSound Smart 3D(S3D) in an Apple enviroment. But of course there is also a Android app

These hearing aids are compatible with the mentioned app and I'm using Resound Nexia 9 RIE.