January 10, 2025

IKEA Bäve dimmer hack II

Updated 2025-01-10 !

Dimming not dimmable LED, IKEA Bäve, produced before 2019-11 and a new idea for later products !

In former post I used a Fibaro Z-Wave RGBW controller but in this post I will use an IKEA original or an external dimmer ?!

The main idea is to put the dimming controller after the LED driver since You can't dim the LED:s on incoming 240VAC.


One of my blog readers found, 2024-12 comment, that a newer Bäve had LED drivers that was labeled "Dimmable". They were tested with an external LED dimmer and worked ! So please check it out before you rebuild anything. 😀

The Bäve LED driver(BLD) is a constant current driver which outputs 350 mA and the output voltage is 15 - 30 VDC max 33VDC. 

There are some LED controllers, 12-24VDC supply, available but in this case I used the controller, ICPSLC24-10NA, from an IKEA LED driver. It's also so small that it fits within the actual casing !! So just disassemble the driver and pick out the Zigbee controller(ZC). Check picture.

As seen in the schematics above, Bäve with 3 LEDs, the ZC is just connected in series to the LED:s.

If You are using a 6 LED Bäve there is 2 BLD:s supplying 2 groups consisting of 3 LEDs. In this case You have to put the 2 BLDs in parallell and also the LED groups in parallell.

I think this solution could work together with many LED drivers, which outputs at least 12 VDC and not more than 32 VDC, since the BLD i using PWM.

Sync it with an IKEA remote, or other control device, or use it together with the Dirigera Gateway(old version is Trådfri). (If you are adding the driver to the gateway you must use a control device that is already connected to the gateway as the "link"). Using the direct integration with Homekit it will be available in Apple Home app.

Proposed solution for the new Bäve
From 2019-11 a new version of Bäve have been introduced. 
  • 5 LED rated 18W, power supply rated 140mA, 130VDC 
  • 3 LED rated 11W, ?
The supply DC to the ZC must be reduced to 20 - 30 VDC
The switching transistor, FET, must handle 130 VDC, Drain - Source

Solution ?  Not tested !!!
The ZC is measured to draw about 3 mA. For a Bäve 5 LED the solution could be; 

The serial transistor, TIP 132, must handle 100 VDC Collector - Emitter and 0,5 W 

Resistor, 33 kOhm, 1/2 watt
Transistor darlington NPN, TIP 132/TO220,
MosFET, N channel, IRF630NPBF
Zenerdiode, 1n5255b, 28V, 0,5 W
(Other components could be used but must have similar ratings)

 "+" and "-" output from ZC should not be used !! 

The new FET could probably be soldered on top of the mounted, DMN3009SK3, se picture above. Solder pins, gate and source, to the mounted FET and bend, with pliers not to close to the body, the drain upwards and connect it with the "-" wire on the LED

Connect the "+" wire of the LED direct to the powersupply according to the schematics.


If someone is testing the proposal, please confirm the outcome !


  1. I was about to ditch my Bäve and get another lamp when I stumbled upon this post, thank you!!!

    1. This is great! I'm gonna give this a try. I have the 5 LED BÄVE but i suppose it should work fine.

    2. Yes it should work fine. The latest version with 5 leds is according to the spec brighter, then the old one. On the other hand the ZC is handling up to 30 Watts. Would appreciate feedback if the new one have just 1 powersupply.

    3. There is only 1 PSU but it has an constant output of 140mA and a range from 88.5-130Vdc so clearly more than 32....I'm guessing it won't work then?

    4. OK. Don't know the max voltage for the ZC, but if You are OK with the cost for testing, 11€ if the ZC breaks, I should have done a test. The mentioned 32V DC is an assumption.

    5. Alright. Sure I'll give it a go. I wasn't sure exactly what could happen since I am not an expert when it comes to electronics. But if it's only the ZC that might break it's fine. I'll give you an update on how it goes.

    6. Logical vise it's just the ZC that eventually will break, since all switched power supplies, used in Bäve, are designed with current limited output. But i can't guarantee anything. Check out if You get very hot components on the ZC and if so terminate the test.

    7. So I gave it a try but what happens is the LEDs are blinking 3 times then stops for about 3 seconds then blinks three times again and repeats. Components seem fine, nothing with a particular high temperature. Not sure what is going on.

    8. Thanks for Your efforts testing! It seems that there is some logic for handling the high/over voltage. Did further "digging" trying to read the labeling on the output transistor, and it seems to be a MOSFET https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/DMN3009SK3.pdf The thing is that this is specified for max 30VDC so thats probably why the logic goes in warning with blinks. If You wan't, I can do som further checking how to add some more components to make it work ?

    9. Thank you but unfortunately today the lamp gave up completely. It did work for a couple of days but now it's dead (only faded flickering) so it seems my testing gave the lights a beating. I probably keept the power on for to long for those poor LEDs, or maybe the driver I don't know. I'll probably end up buying another lamp that's actually dimmable... But I had fun trying :)

    10. Sorry to hear that, but a little strange that the lamp gave up ..... Will propose an alternative solution in some days.

  2. I had the same issue as Victor, but with the 3 LED Bäve. Any ideas on how I could fix this?

    1. OK, what are the specifications for the power supply, current and voltage ?

  3. Im trying to do the same thing with the storjorm led driver - constant current DC500mA 10.5W max 25V. Same setup as you describe. Led strips are switching on and off. When i switch off the power from trådfri app i still get faded light switching on and off. Any ideas?

    1. Sorry, but don't really understand your explanation of what is happening ? Does a remote control work?

    2. Sorry. The Zigbee controller is working. I can switch it on and off from the app and measure on the out pins i got power. But the led strips keeps blinking when i switch the power is on in the app. When i switch the power off using the trådfri app the led is still blinking but faded.

    3. The blinking indicates some sort of unwanted status. Have You checked the input voltage to the ZC, should be around 20 - 30 Vdc ?

    4. Another test could be using a DC/DC converter, stabilising the supply voltage to the ZC, as I did in this post https://pysselilivet.blogspot.com/2017/10/qubino-flush-dimmer-1-10-v.html In this case don't use + output, from the ZC, instead connect the + side of the LED direct to the + side of the transformer.

    5. Turns out the led strips in storjorm are not dimmable with PWM. Switched out the strips for basic dimmable 12v strips and now its working.

    6. Ok, thanks for the feedback! Glad You succeeded.

  4. Cheers! Thank you for the inspiration and for sharing your knowledge

  5. Hi, I want to try the proposal for the new 5 LED Bäve. But I have a hard time sourcing components and I'm not confident in finding substitutes. Can I sub the FET for a TIP147, and what could be a sub for the IRF630NPBF MosFET? Can the Zener be 30V?
    Thanks, I'll report back about the progress! These lights have a nice design but are way too bright.

    1. Nice ! If you mean sub the TIP 132 with a TIP 147 it's not possible, must be a NPN darlington. OK with a 30 V zener. The best way to find subs is to google and match the findings with your selected supplier.

  6. Im loving this idea as im stucked with a wrong decision of bying this bave 5 spots. Unfortunatly dont understand much about electronics otherwise would do it myself:(

    1. OK, sorry to say nobody seems to have checked my solution.

  7. Hi! I will ask an elektrician to help me however I only want to use a "dimmer" mounted on the wall, not a remote solution. Is that possible given your drawing and explanations? As a consumer I do not understand a thing about this but I love the design and do now wish to spend so much money and time of new lamps. Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi! Sorry to say the Bäve can't be dimmed by a "standard" wall dimmer due to the internal design of the electronics.

  8. No related to the dimming you guys are trying to do. But I ask and maybe you can help, with just on/off switch to the lamp :)
    I have the 3 LED BAVE bought 1 year ago. Mounter it myself with regular cable for lights (https://www.jula.no/catalog/el-artikler-og-belysning/el-installasjon/lampetilbehor/lampeoppheng/ledningssett-402289/)
    After 1-2 months the LED started blinking 3 times, then a pause and blinking again. Sometimes when I turn on it work. Sometime it does the blinking dance. Bought another one because I thought the unit was failing, but still got the same problem on the new one.
    Any idea whats going on? In Norway the output from the socket is 230V 50HZ.


    1. No that beats me, since you have the same behaviour on the second one. I would contact IKEA customer service.

    2. Exactly the same, two units, brand new, bought and installed today (25.10.)

  9. I checked and the driver on both the 3 spot and the 5 spot says it’s dimmable. I also connected it to a Elko led dimmer and both of them dimmed flawlessly without any flickering. Could it be that it’s rated undimmable because the lights are connected in serial and that would wear out the driver?

    1. Really great news !! Thanks for the feedback. Since the driver is labeled "Dimmable", and no flicker, there is nothing that will shorten the drivers life. I will update the post with your finding !

  10. Just a quick update as of January 2025, because you are top result on Google. I have tried dimming a few of the 5 spot lamps, and even though it is working, it very noisy ( buzzing ) and the dim is not linary, telling me that it might not be meant to be dimmed. Anyway i love the spots and they are not to bright for me, so it does not matter for me. I tried dimming with zigbee dimmer...

    1. Thanks for your feedback ! IKEA have stated that it's not dimmable but maybe there are different editions of the LED drivers out as stated in the 2024 December comment ?

    2. Was just about to post the same.

      One of my friends asked of a way to dim his Bäve, so last time I was in IKEA I took a picture of the driver.
      Didn't pay too much attention to it then, but just when I looked at it now I saw:
      Leading edge and Trailing edge dimmable

      I will have a look at my friends to se if we could just install a dimmer in his light switch.


    3. 👍 Interesting, looking forward to further feedback.


Feel free to leave a comment ! ... but due to a lot of spam comments I have to moderate them. Will reply ASAP !