November 15, 2020

Eniro charts using SignalK & Freeboard

Do you know about the SignalK workspace at Slack ? It's a really nice space where you could meet the developers and also get support.

If you don't are active there you can get an invite filling in your e-mail adress at

I'm following the dialog on Slack and for some weeks ago I stumbled over a post from @chris saying that you could get, with internet connection, the online charts from Eniro displayed in Freeboard. As you see in the picture it's just for the Nordic countries.

Another post installing offline charts.

You just have to install a plugin and add the URL pointing at Eniro.

The post isn't available anymore but I copied the most essential.

Prerequisites is having OpenPlotter/Signalk or just Signalk(SK) up and running.

First install the SK plugin "@signalk/charts-plugin" via the SK admin GUI. Please note that the installation can take a long time, compiling, since there are no binaries available. (Using a Rpi 3B+ with SD card it took almost 10 minutes). Check the server log!

Then via "Server => Plugin Config => Signal K Charts" setup according to the picture, where the URL is{z}/{x}/{-y}.png

Click on submit, restart SK and check the chart in Freeboard.

Below a picture where I added AIS targets from a RTL-SDR dongle.


  1. Hi, does´nt seems to work. Is it any typo?

    1. I just did a new, working, install a few days ago ? Seems that "Server Type" is added in the config. Select "tilelayer".

    2. Thank you for the tip, will try it tomorrow!

  2. Thank you so much for this tuto. Especially as google and internet mainly become so hard to search for good information. So nice to have a freeboard sk with the nice scandinavian charts.


Feel free to leave a comment ! ... but due to a lot of spam comments I have to moderate them. Will reply ASAP !