April 14, 2024

IVT, Bosch heat pump easy integration, Home Assistant

In search of the optimal solution on how to interface our IVT Heat pump, first try here, I stumbled over a nice integration for Home Assistant(HA). A first quick setup is shown at the right.

The first obstacle was that it was HA which I knew about but never used.  So it was "back too school" and doing a blog post about a HA Core install.

You need some variant of a HA server installed. You could use the HA core install mentioned above but if you are dedicating a Raspberry Pi(or other hardware) to just run HA I really recommend HA OS installed via the Raspberry Pi installer.

You also must have HACS installed in HA.

There are nice install instructions and the only comment I have is regarding, using XMPP, the credentials.

In my case the IP module in the heat pump had a label with information

Loginname:    08nnnnnnn            => Serial number of device

Passwort:     nH3N-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx  => Access token(Including the "-")

and for the IVT Anywhere app 

Personal password:    nnnnnnnn     => Password

After the installation is done the "Temperature circle" shown above will appear in "Overview".


  1. Do you share your code for the setup above?

    1. There is no additional code needed, just follow the instructions.

    2. I mean for Home Assistant view shown on top right

    3. The view is installed together with the integration. But here is generic_thermostat climate integration available in HA, very similar, just Google.


Feel free to leave a comment ! ... but due to a lot of spam comments I have to moderate them. Will reply ASAP !