It is compatible with a wide range of Software Defined Radios (SDRs).
These include RTL-SDR dongles (such as the ShipXplorer AIS dongle and
RTL SDR Blog v4), AirSpy (Mini/R2/HF+), HackRF, SDRPlay, SoapySDR, and
file/network input (ZMQ/RTL-TCP/SpyServer).
Please note, that since a while this package is installed, by default, in OpenPlotter(OP) by installing OP:s "SDR VHF" app.
AIS-catcher can deliver output in the form of NMEA messages, default, which can be
conveniently displayed on screen or forwarded via UDP/HTTP/TCP.
With this approach it's simple to forward the NMEA to aggregators, type
Marintraffic, Vesselfinder or to some other local application.
It also includes a WEB server, not activated by default, that can serve a lot of information including the picture above.
At the end of this post you will find a setup on how to use
off-line charts.
Source another application
If you already have an application, OpenCPN, Signal K, Navionics App or ...... ?, showing charts and accepts NMEA 0183 AIS input it's easy to use this app as just a receiver, without the WEB-server function, and use for example the UDP output for the other application.
This app have better sensitivity and lower CPU load than other I
used so in my case it's the source for Signal K to display the targets, see setup info below. Another popular application is OpenCPN.
I'm using this setup on our boat and there using a simple buck converter, 12V DC => 5V DC, to source the Raspberry Pi 4. In this case the converter was placed direct below the SDR and interfered so much that there was almost no reception. So check for a good power supply, away from the dongle, and shielding.
Another trix to minimize the problem is using an USB extension cable so the dongle is away from the interferences emitted by the power supply and the computer.As a last measure I added a ferrite bead on the USB cable which also increased the reception range.
Automatic install
There is a "Quick start guide" with 2 different install scripts which will do the install in a elegant way together with autostart jobs. One will build from source and the other one will use precompiled binaries. But if you want to minimize the install size and have full control you can follow the "Manual install" instructions below.
How to participate
AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -N 8100 -N LAT 56.00 LON 12.00
Signal K
To source Signal K(SK), could also be OpenPlotter or OpenCPN, start AIS-catcher with command
AIS-catcher -o 0 -u 10110
"-o 0" will suppress NMEA messages so they don't end up in the log. To receive the messages add a connection, in SK, with datatype "NMEA0183", Source "UDP", port "10110".
To autostart AIS-catcher just use the info below and the command above.
CPU Load
Also did a test with a RPi Zero W, running the recommended RPi OS 32 bit
Bullseye, and it didn't perform as god as the mentioned
RPi3 with 64 bit Bookworm. This despite that I used
option -F
which really decreased the CPU load. The RPi 3 detected about 50% more AIS
targets. In
this comment
there are some trix you can check.
If you are using an older or cheaper SDR-RTL don't forget to
calibrate !
Check out this info regarding Frequency Shift
which can help. So if the chart "Frequency Shift (avg PPM per hour)" is showing -2.5 test to use, in the command line, "-p -2.5" to
compensate the SDR-RTL:s deviation from the correct frequency.
Manual install
The application is very well documented, also the install, but the below instructions will cover a simple install on a Raspberry Pi 3(RPi), Bookworm Lite 64 bit, with a RTL-SDR, Nano 3, USB dongle mounted.
On a updated RPi, with hostname "test", run the following commands
sudo apt install librtlsdr-dev
*With GIT
sudo apt-get install git make gcc g++ cmake pkg-config -y --depth 1
git clone
*Without GIT (=> Like this approach to do a minimal install. Pick the latest) sudo apt-get install make gcc g++ cmake pkg-config -y
unzip && mv AIS-catcher-0.60 AIS-catcher
cd AIS-catcher
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 12.2.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "1.8.1")
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Success
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Looking for linux/can.h
-- Looking for linux/can.h - found
-- Looking for linux/can/raw.h
-- Looking for linux/can/raw.h - found
-- Checking for module 'libusb-1.0'
-- Found libusb-1.0, version 1.0.26
-- Checking for module 'zlib'
-- Found zlib, version 1.2.13
-- ZLIB: found - /usr/include, /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
-- Checking for module 'librtlsdr'
-- Found librtlsdr, version 0.6.0
-- RTLSDR: found - /usr/include, /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
-- Looking for rtlsdr_set_bias_tee
-- Looking for rtlsdr_set_bias_tee - found
-- RTLSDR: bias-tee support included.
-- Looking for rtlsdr_set_tuner_bandwidth
-- Looking for rtlsdr_set_tuner_bandwidth - found
-- RTLSDR: tuner badwidth support included.
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/AIS-catcher/build
make (=> This took approx 10 minutes on a RPi 3)
sudo make install
Above we can see that the build generator found the dependency for RTL-SDR.
It should also be said that if you want the latest changes, since the last release(with wget), use "wget"
Test the install with
pi@test:~/AIS-catcher/build $ AIS-catcher -l
AIS-catcher (build Feb 18 2024) v0.56-122-gf99160f8
(C) Copyright 2021-2023 jvde-github and other contributors
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.There is NO
Found 1 device(s):
0: NooElec, NESDR Nano 3, SN: 5566669999
Check if you receive any data from the dongle with a connected antenna.
AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110
"-u 10110" makes the application forward UDP messages to local host port 10110. There is a built in WEB-server which you activate adding "-N 8100" where 8100 is the port number where you find the WEB page.
AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -N 8100
Use the below URL for a host "test".
To get distances to the AIS targets you have to tell the application where you are so
AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -N 8100 -N LAT 56.00 LON 12.00 SHARE_LOC on
It's almost the same as install. In your home directory "/home/pi"
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt clean
rm v0*
rm -rf AIS-catcher
unzip && mv AIS-catcher-0.60 AIS-catcher
cd AIS-catcher
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo systemctl stop ais
sudo make install
sudo systemctl start ais
The recommended autostart is using systemd. Here is info for a script that does the job but I did a simple one below.
Create the servicefile
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ais.service
and add the info
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -N 8100 -N LAT 56.00 LON 12.00 SHARE_LOC on -X
and then to activate and check
pi@test:~ $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
pi@test:~ $ sudo systemctl enable ais
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /etc/systemd/system/ais.service.
pi@test:~ $ sudo systemctl start ais
pi@test:~ $ sudo systemctl status ais
● ais.service - AIS
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/ais.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2023-12-11 23:33:43 CET; 16s ago
Main PID: 1473 (AIS-catcher)
Tasks: 5 (limit: 765)
CPU: 3.897s
CGroup: /system.slice/ais.service
└─1473 /usr/local/bin/AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -u 10111 -N 8100 -N LAT 56.117 LON 12.603 SHARE_LOC on -X
Dec 11 23:33:52 test AIS-catcher[1473]: !AIVDM,1,1,,A,13=@ir01iE0ppftP8NLU6l1T0@NJ,0*39 ( MSG: 1, REPEAT: 0, MMSI: 215233000, signalpower: -14.0567, ppm: 2.31481, timestamp: 20231211223351)
Dec 11 23:33:52 test AIS-catcher[1473]: !AIVDM,1,1,,B,13u=7U003M0qW8HP65EL79gV0<0Q,0*1D ( MSG: 1, REPEAT: 0, MMSI: 265504660, signalpower: -13.851, ppm: -2.02546, timestamp: 20231211223352)
Dec 11 23:33:54 test AIS-catcher[1473]: !AIVDM,1,1,,A,1815=F@w1>PqA=lP7BqTuCu`0<13,0*74 ( MSG: 1, REPEAT: 0, MMSI: 538004825, signalpower: -3.77949, ppm: 1.44676, timestamp: 20231211223354)
Off line charts
Version >=v0.57
If you have set up systemd as above, stop with
the commands
sudo systemctl stop ais
Showing off line charts, no Internet, also includes a setup where
relying online
libraries are downloaded.
Go to your home directory "/home/pi". Download and create the "webassets" directory.
unzip && mv webassets-main webassets
You will later add the CDN argument to the command line "CDN /home/pi/webassets"
Tile server
curl -fsSL | sudo -E
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo npm install -g npm@latest
Install the tile server which is needed serving the downloaded
sudo npm install -g tileserver-gl-light
Start the tile server with the downloaded charts
tileserver-gl-light OSM-OpenCPN2-Baltic.mbtiles
Check the tile server function at "http://test.local:8080"
Plugin config
In a new terminal session create a file
nano offlinemaps.pjs
and add the following
// { "version": 2, "description": "offline openseamap", "author":
"jvde-github" }
addTileLayer("Offline OSM Baltic", new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new
attribution: '©',
subdomains: 'abcd',
maxZoom: 14,
minZoom: 8
Test AIS-catcher
Start the AIS application and check out the new chart.
AIS-catcher -v 10 -u 10110 -N 8100 -N LAT 56.00 LON
12.00 SHARE_LOC on -X CDN /home/pi/webassets PLUGIN /home/pi/offlinemaps.pjs
Edit the "ais.service" file with the above command and then
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart ais
systemd tileserver autostart
Stop the 2 applications.
To autostart the tile server copy the "ais.service" file
sudo cp /etc/systemd/system/ais.service
Edit with
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/tileserver.service
Below the line "" add "Before=ais.service"
and then change "ExecStart=....." To "ExecStart=/usr/bin/tileserver-gl-light
Start up the servers with
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
and then
sudo systemctl enable tileserver && sudo systemctl
start tileserver
sudo systemctl enable ais && sudo systemctl start ais
Older versions <= v0.56
The file "nano offlinemaps.pjs" have a little different content for older versions.
The Comar SLR350Ni uses a serial port (/dev/ttyS0 38400). Could you please provide instruction on how to configure this too? Thank you
ReplyDeletePlease read the documentation on GitHub linked above. Especially the NMEA input part.
DeleteHave you ever used AIS Dispatcher from If so, can you rate both solutions vs. each other?
ReplyDeleteYes I have used it for several years but when I upgraded, 2023-11, to Debian 12(Bookworm) 64 Bit it stopped working. A major differens is that the AISHUB software is just a dispatcher but this package, among other utilities, also includes a very nice sensitive receiver. The only flaw with this package is that you use command line to configure.
DeleteThanks for the comprehensive guidance. The flaw in the AIS-DISPATCHER library has been fixed and my RPi3b+ is working fine after a fresh install using :
chmod 755 install_dispatcher
sudo ./install_dispatcher
RPi3b+/Bookworm to be precise
DeleteOk, nice to know that the AISHUB guys have fixed the problem but still you have to use a separate AIS-receiver software, and I haven't found any better than this one.
DeleteI had to change from KPLEX to AIS-DISPATCHER since KPLEX cannot run on 64-bit Bookworm. This change was so simple and did not use any other s/w to run my dAISy receiver connected on USB. The AIS-DISPATCHER connected to the DAISy without any configuration, and offered a choice of 2 ways to access the data in the Configuration setup. I have not yet tested with the dAISy-HAT, and plan to also somehow use parts of the LINUX package to use a spare SDR-dongle I have for my FlightAware/FlightRadar RPi to see if the Dongle will work on 160 MHz.
ReplyDeleteOk, nice to know. Seems that we don't need the AISHUB software anymore.
DeleteThere is an easy install script available - works very well
ReplyDeleteOK, thanks, nice to know !