April 14, 2023

Install Weather34 with WeatherLink

Updated 2023-04-14 !! OK with Bullseye and PHP 8.x !

If You want Your Private Weather Station(PWS) Davis Vantage Pro2, or other Davis products that use WeatherLink, to provide data for the template we use at Domstens Båtklubb just follow the instructions below. 

This is made without additional software such as Cumulus, Weather display or the Meteobridge product.

This application is updated !!, to use the v2 API. Check  this post !!

April 02, 2023

Bootable installer for "any" MAC OS

Updated 2023-06-11 !

The use case is that I had an old iMac, max OS is High Sierra, that crashed and it didn't work with an Internet or Time Machine restore.

The other MAC:s I have are running Catalina or Big Sur and if you try to download and older OS, via app-store, you just get an error saying that the running OS don't accept the download of an old OS.

The universal way to create an USB installer seems to be using the command "createinstallmedia", requires OS X 10.7 Lion or later, but you need the respective OS install app !

A new, better ??, without Python dependences is found here.

April 01, 2023

macOS Ventura on unsupported Mac

In former posts, Big Sur(11.7) and Monterey(12.7), I went through how to update an old MacBook Air 4.2, (mid 2011, SSD, 4 Gb memory) which has a Non-Metal GPU.

In this post I will update a MacBook Air 6.2 with SSD, Mid 2013,
 to Ventura(13.5) with the same patcher but the latest version 6.2 !! 

This is despite that max OS for this Mac is Big Sur

Awesome !!!

Supported models are found here.