April 14, 2024

IVT, Bosch heat pump easy integration, Home Assistant

In search of the optimal solution on how to interface our IVT Heat pump, first try here, I stumbled over a nice integration for Home Assistant(HA). A first quick setup is shown at the right.

The first obstacle was that it was HA which I knew about but never used.  So it was "back too school" and doing a blog post about a HA Core install.

April 01, 2024

IVT, Bosch heat pump easy integration, NodeRed

If you are running the IVT Anywhere or the Bosch Easy remote app you probably also can retrieve its data with for example NodeRed. 

With the nice application Bosch XMPP you can set up an integration with the cloud service supplied by your vendor.

March 01, 2024

OpenPlotter V3, install guide

Updated 2024-03-01 !

OpenPlotter(OP), a Boat Navigation application, is really a nice and simple installation of
and other supporting applications for Your boat.

An overall information about the OP package is found here.

Install guide for the new stable OP, version 4, is found here.

February 20, 2024

Clone the Raspberry boot disk

Updated 2024-02-20 !

A very nice way to fix a backup is to make a copy, bootable, of the actual SD card You are using on the Raspberry Pi(RPi). This will be done even when the RPi is up and running !

This application can also be used to make a bootable SSD or USB drive !!

You clone from the command line so You don't need the standard GUI, Pixel, and the "SD card copier
" function.

It is also possible to set up a a scheduled job, cronjob explained later, which for example makes a clone every night at 1 o'clock.

February 08, 2024

GRIB files and extracting data, Linux, Raspberry

Updated 2024-02-08

GRIB is a data format, used for meteorology, to store historical and forecast weather data. 

The use case for me was analyzing forecast data, from GRIB files, so an early warning could be rised before a high water level or coming storm appears. This could then be used at our weather site.

There are several applications, also ones that visualizes the data, but this post will handle how to extract data from files using command line.

Forecast without GRIB files ? Check this API for Europe.

February 07, 2024

Teltonika RUT 240 as source for Mesh Network or router

I have used the TP-link Deco M9 for quite a while and it have worked very well.

Since almost 2 years I have used mobile broadband as a source for the Mesh network, at home, via a Nokia Fastmile(NF) with no direct flaws.

Getting a very nice offer, half the monthly cost, for mobile Internet from our mobile phone operator it was time to test something new.

Since I probably will have to return the Nokia receiver quitting the old supplier I had to test the new provider with some other equipment. Running the Teltonika RUT 240(TR) in our yacht, in the summertime, it was available for testing.

January 20, 2024

AIS reciever for Raspberry Pi, 2 channel

Updated 2024-01-20 !! OK with Bookworm !!

This post covers the setup for a AIS, dual channel, receiver for Raspberry Pi(RPi) with systemd autostart.

I'm using the RTL-SDR dongle V3 with almost zero temperature drift or the even better NooElec NESDR Nano 3

AIS posts with charts/maps
Improve receiving range? Calibrate ! Instructions in this post

The best AIS application ? is found here !

January 07, 2024

RPi install Apache/PHP WEB-server

Updated 2024-01-07 ! OK with Bookworm & PHP 8.2 !

As a part of one of my project, the ultimate Weather site ? Weather34, I needed a WEB-host with PHP.

I started up with a fresh Raspberry OS Lite SD Card with Samba installed.

Log on, with ssh/terminal to the RaspberryPi(RPi), 
in this case hostname "pws01", and update the OS with

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo apt clean

go on and install the Apache server with

sudo apt install apache2

January 05, 2024

Samba, RPi as Windows file/print server

Updated 2024-01-05 OK with Bookworm !

If You want that the Raspberry Pi(RPi), shall appear in MS File Explorer or Mac Finder, as a File server, the easiest way is to install Samba.

This also makes it much easier if You want to edit files on the RPi with editors from Your MS/Apple device. Or maybe moving files from/to the RPi.

December 05, 2023

SDR calibrate with kalibrate-rtl

Updated 2023-12-05 !! OK, with Bookworm (32/64 bit) !!

To optimize the reception with SDR:s, Software Defined Radios, it is important to receive on the proper frequency. Due to variations in production there could be deviations.

The calibration could be done against standard GSM transmitters which are providing a stable reference frequency.

Another way is found in the AIS-catcher application and use the information supplied in the graphs "Frequency Shift". 

December 01, 2023

Signal K quick install

Updated 2023-12-01 !

I have got some questions installing, just, Signal K(SK) so will do a summary, on a Raspberry Pi, with links.

Signal K is the hub to receive data, from different devices in different data formats, and send it on to different equipment, or databases, in different formats. Most common for standard marine equipment are the old NMEA 0183 and the newer NMEA 2000 protocol which is also handled. 

Besides the SK "hub" function developers have created plugins for different purposes. This is due to that SK is open-source ! Sharing is caring !

In this post you can check the devices I'm using connected to the SK server and also my setup.

November 09, 2023

AIS receiver & dispatcher with OpenSeaMap

Updated 2023-11-09 !

The AIS posts on this blog have been very popular so this post will be a follow up which will enable You to show AIS targets, including AtoN:s, on OpenSeaMap, (OSM), together with buoys and beacons.

The application showing the map is SignalK, (SK) a OpenSource project for marine use. 

With the "ais-forwarder" plugin you could send/dispatch the NMEA AIS data to Marinetraffic or Vesselfinder. Another AIS-dispatcher.

The best AIS application ? is found here !

November 08, 2023

Raspberry Pi watchdog made simple

Updated 2023-11-08 for Bookworm !

The purpose of a watchdog timer(WD) is very well described here but a more practical answer is;

If your Raspberry Pi(RPi) "freezes", or hangs, it will automagically reboot within a very short time.

This is made with a combination of hardware and software which is all ready available, on the RPi, and just have to be enabled.

After some hours Googling and testing these are my findings !

November 06, 2023

NMEA WiFi gateway


Updated 2023-11-06 !

I have searched for a solution transmitting the NMEA data, from the navigation network, via WiFi, to for example iSailor or other Tablet/Phone applications.

Most of these applications just accepts NMEA0183(N1) but many boats are also using SeaTalk 1(ST1) and NMEA2000(N2K).

This post will cover, kept compact, my best findings covering both a DIY and a commercial approach to handle the different protocols.

November 05, 2023

SignalK, measuring temperature

Updated 2023-11-05 !

An introduction to the SignalK, Marine application, is given here.

A very easy way to measure temperature with Raspberry Pi, RPi, is to connect one wire (1W) DS18B20 (DS)temperature sensors direkt to the RPi GPIO.

Here You find a post where the temperatures are transfered via WiFi

November 04, 2023

AIS for Raspberry with Map, Dispatcher

Updated 2023-11-04, OK with Bookworm 32 bit !
Not Bookworm 64 Bit !

This is a setup, on a Raspberry Pi(RPi), with a software package, AIS Dispatcher, from http://www.aishub.net which includes
  • receiving and processing of all standard AIS messages
  • streaming raw AIS feeds to multiple destinations
  • advanced monitoring of device status, coverage and message statistics
  • embedded electronic map with all received vessels
The best AIS application ? is found here !

October 30, 2023

RuuviTag and Node-Red

 Updated 2023-10-30 ! OK with Bookworm ! New simple install ! 

For a new project I needed a small wireless temperature sensor, there You don't have to change battery so often, and this gave the RuuviTag.

Having used Node-Red(NR) on Raspberry Pi before, the first application was this dashboard. 
Tested and works with with Node.js V18 !

October 26, 2023

Homebridge made simple, Homebridge

Updated 2023-10-26 !

HomeBridge(HB) is the software where You make Your home automation devices appear in the Apple Home App as native products. In this post a Raspberry Pi is used as the HB server.

There has really been big improvements in the installation process and I think the HB version is better/easier than HOOBS.

Migrate from HOOBS ?! Link

October 17, 2023

Raspberry headless install with WiFi

Updated 2023-10-17 !

To make a headless, without monitor, keyboard and mouse, install of Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry Pi(RPi) with built in WiFi and no LAN cable connection, please follow the instructions below.

For example the RPi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3 Model A+ don't have any LAN cable port so the setup is quite usable.

To make an active WiFi connection at first boot You have to use the "Advanced options" in Raspberry Pi Imager or create, old way, a configuration file called "wpa_supplicant.conf".

October 16, 2023

Understand/Install Openplotter/OpenCPN/SignalK, II

Updated 2023-10-16 !

This post is the second post explaining the purpose with, and quick/simple install instructions for, OpenPlotter(OP) and some other applications that can be installed with OP. 

The first post is found here and in this post we will proceed with the install of OpenCPN(OC).

In OP:s "Application Meny => Other => Settings" app,  mark "OpenCPN Installer" and click on "Install", at the upper right. 

October 15, 2023

Understand/Install Openplotter/OpenCPN/SignalK, I

Updated 2023-10-15 !

This post, additional posts will follow, will explain the purpose with, and quick/simple install instructions for, OpenPlotter(OP) and some other applications that can be installed with OP. 
  • OpenCPN(OC), is the plotter software where You navigate and handle charts 
  • SignalK(SK), is the software where all the sensor inputs are handled. Could be NMEA data or SK formated inputs
  • OpenPlotter(OP), is the administration shell where all is administrated

As You investigate the different software packages You will see that there are some overlap in the functions.

With OC 5.2 + there was several updates....

October 13, 2023

NetworkManager on Raspberry, easy start

Updated 2023-10-13 !

There is a "new kid in the block" called
NetworkManager(NM), configuration of network interfaces, which in OS "Bookworm", Debian 12, is replacing the former used dhcpcd.

NM isn't really new since the first public release was made 2004.

In this post I will write down some NM hints for an easy start since I didn't find any myself.

October 12, 2023

NetworkManager UI and access point, hotspot

Updated 2023-10-12 !

In a former post I shared some thoughts about how to start using NetworkManager (NM), on a Raspberry, and here I will continue with additional examples that can help with network setup.
  • NMTUI is NetworkManager text UI which can handle the most common tasks in a easy way.
  • An access point or hotspot will be configured.
  • "sudo nmcli connection edit xxxx" is a command that guides you throw a change of parameters.

October 04, 2023

TP-Link Deco M9 V2 Plus software update

Updated 2023-10-04 !

TP-link Deco M9(M9) is a nice Mesh solution but it could be that the software/firmware is dated 2019. This is an old one and you really shall update ! Probably you can't update via the TP-link Deco app and therefore you have to make some extra measures updating via a Mac/Windows program.

In a former post I gave some hints and links if you are using an ethernet backhaul, using access point mode, and please check below how to set up without a router and manage more than one network.

Post with Teltonika 4G router as receiver / bridge for the mesh network.

October 02, 2023

Bluetooth Beacon and Raspberry

Updated 2023-10-02 !

The latest models of Rasberry Pi, (RPi), comes with built in Bluetooth, (BT), so how to receive data from Your Bluetooth devices ?

A Bluetooth Beacon, could be a RuuvuTag, is a device that You don't have to pair with, You just scan and receive the data that they are transmitting.

Start with checking that Your BT interface is working, in a terminal windowtyping
