This application is measuring Your Internet connection at chosen intervals using and showing the result in a graph. If the speed is under a set value it will send You an e-mail.
October 01, 2022
Internet speed measure II
This application is measuring Your Internet connection at chosen intervals using and showing the result in a graph. If the speed is under a set value it will send You an e-mail.
September 18, 2022
Victron monitoring solution, Venus, on Raspberry
Updated 2022-09-18 !
Victron have a state-of-the-art monitoring solution used by the GX products. It can monitor their other system components such as inverter/chargers, solar chargers, shunts, and batteries both local and remote all over the world.
If you have a smaller Victron solution it is nice to know that the same software, Venus OS(VOS), can run on a Raspberry Pi(RPi) instead of the more expensive and versatile GX products.
August 16, 2022
macOS Monterey on unsupported Mac
This is despite that max OS for the Mac is High Sierra. This is done, among other things, due to that the patcher handles Macs with graphic cards from 2008 - 2011 which Monterey doesn't do natively.
Since my former upgrade, to Big Sur, included a format of the SSD disk I here used the patcher to do an upgrade from Big Sur to Monterey.
July 27, 2022
RS-232 with displays & AV equipment
After some checking I found that on most displays, even on our own TV set, there is a connector for the RS - 232 protocol that accepts commands similar to the commands sent by the remote control.
July 09, 2022
Davis PWS linked to
An add on is that you via API:s can get both the current weather, forecast and other data free of charge, via the site.
This post will handle the setup and also a Node-Red dashboard interfacing the aeris API.
July 04, 2022
Node-Red multiple instances, RPi
- a test environment for Node-Red(NR), separated from production
- separated instances for different applications
A post for NR quick install.
June 12, 2022
NMEA 2000 temperature sensor, wet exhaust
June 10, 2022
Exhaust temperature measure, boat

In "wet exhaust" systems it is very important that the cooling water, injected in the exhaust system, always is present otherwise major damages can follow.
May 10, 2022
Wine, Windows apps on Linux, Raspberry
What is Wine ?
The OpenSource project, themselves, explains it as;
Wine (originally an acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") is a compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, & BSD
So why ? In my case, I'm just running macOS and Linux, I had and old gadget where I had to change the settings and this could only be made with a windows program.
February 20, 2022
WeatherLink weather template, v2 API
February 03, 2022
Read and write NMEA files, Openplotter, Signal K
Other applications could be Openplotter which includes SK or OpenCPN for example interfacing a NMEA 2000 network via SK.
There are sample files within the SK installation which can be used, for testing purposes, before you have created your own log files from your boat trips. Check here at "Input file/data".
January 23, 2022
Read & write Linux, ext4, volumes with Windows & Mac
January 21, 2022
macOS Big Sur on unsupported Mac
January 11, 2022
Victron VE.Direct with Raspberry Pi/Signal K
January 10, 2022
Raspberry, edit config or add files before boot
So how to change the host name on the cloned SD card before I'm using it in the second RPi ?
December 05, 2021
Davis weather station, WeatherLink, PHP
In the harbour we are using a Davis weather station, Vantage Pro2, as our PWS(Private Weather Station).
If you like to display the data, online on the web, you can use the Davis service, Weatherlink(WL) where you register an account.
Another way is to retrieve the weather data as XML or JSON, from the Weatherlink web-site, and use it in your own application (open source!).
Another approach with NodeRed could be find here.
October 16, 2021
Raspberry, restart network, or reboot, at ping failure
October 15, 2021
SIGNL4, automated alerting with free mobile app
They have several ways to create an alert, can involve a team, have a nice app and is free, up to 5 users, if you use the "STARTER" option.
In this post, as an example, I will show how I detect if my AIS receiver/dispatcher stops receiving AIS targets, sent to Vesselfinder, and how an alert is forwarded to the SIGNL4 app.
August 24, 2021
Ring doorbell install and relay
- Internal doorbells
- No internal doorbell but charging the battery
- External relay, triggering "anything"
- Wireless relay
August 08, 2021
Homebridge made simple, HOOBS
I have written several post about the HomeKit Bridge, Homebridge(HB), but if You want another simple way, with GUI, to handle the server and plugins the guys at HOOBS have done a nice software package.
July 24, 2021
Raymarine AXIOM and NMEA0183

Some solutions
- Pick N1 data from the AIS
- NMEA 2000, N2 to N1 konverter
- SeaTalk NG, NG to N1 konverter
July 14, 2021
AIS dispatcher, stand alone

Please note ! This software is "labeled" deprecated and the AISHub guys recommend you to use this package, with built in GUI, instead. The old version, described in this post, still works, for RPi OS before Bookworm, and is very lightweight.
July 07, 2021
MySQL and NodeRed
July 01, 2021
Raspberry fan control, Node-Red
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Do You want to have control over the Raspberry Pi(RPi) ?
- CPU Temperature
- CPU Load %
- Free RAM %
- Disk Usage %
- Shutdown and Reboot buttons
- Fan PWM control via GPIO
June 15, 2021
Volvo Penta NMEA 2000 Gateway

It's always nice to have ALL information at the same place, navigator/plotter, when You are out with the boat.
What could be missing is the engine information/data. If You have a Volvo Penta from 2006 or later it could be pretty easy.
There are some "standard" NMEA 2000 gateways to choose from, for example;