August 27, 2023

Apple HomeKit doing Matter upgrade with Hombridge

Matter is the the new standard making your smart home devices talking to each other and some Apple Home hubs can be updated.

There is a nice article from "The Verge" which explains it all.

Using Homebridge(HB) it could be nice to know what happens when you upgrade your HomeKit hub to the new standard so his post will just give some quick tips

Here is a support article from Apple and please note that if you upgrade you will not be able to use an iPad as a Home hub anymore.

August 10, 2023

Optimizing your energy, electricity, bill. NodeRed !

In this post I will give some thoughts, high level, and methods for matching the hourly prices from your energy supplier.

I will also list some gadgets and by using NodeRedget the data, visualize it and control the consumption.

So in that perspective there are some needed prerequisites.....

July 12, 2023

Bluetooth and Node-Red

Updated 2023-07-12 !

There are some Node-Red nodes, (NRN), that are dependent on the old Noble package which don't work on Node > v8. 

One nice and simple NRN is the node-red-contrib-noble which have the same problem. I picked up the freshest source, dependent on @abandonware/noble, forked it and added install instructions. It works with Node <= v18. 

July 05, 2023

Teltonika router as security, burglar, alarm !

The use case was that we on our yacht have a security alarm which is using 2 G, service terminating during 2024 ?, so it was time to check for some other solution. 

Since several years we have used the very nice Teltonika RUT 240(TR) onboard which have served us very well. Knowing that this device have both a digital in and out I started to check if it could do the job ?? 

Googling didn't give any direct clues but the "Input/Output" handling together with "Profiles" changed with a SMS, "Mobile Utilities", is doing the job.

Please note that this setup could be done with any of the routers from Teltonika with I/O !!

June 30, 2023

Teltonika router as security, burglar, alarm

This post is made for test purposes and issues with Google indexing

The "real" post is found here !!

The use case was that we on our yacht have a security alarm which is using 2 G, service terminating during 2024 ?, so it was time to check for some other solution...........

June 12, 2023

Bootable installer for "any" MAC OS, II

In a former post I used a nice Python program to get the installers but as you know there are no Python installed in later Mac OS.

The program used in this post is the fantastic Open Core Legacy Patcher. (No Python dependencies.) This patcher is made for supporting old Mac:s with new OS:s, which is not officially supported, but here we just use it for getting the USB installer.

June 01, 2023

Teltonika router RUT 240 quick setup

Updated 2023-06-01 !

My old boat/travel WiFi router didn't behave so I was forced to look for a new one with these must functions;

    Built in SIM 4G/LTE capabilities
    WAN failover
    Powered with 12V DC
    Bridge public WiFi:s, or my phone, to LAN

I did a lot of Googling and ended up with Teletonika RUT 240(TR).....

This post will cover a setup summary for the RUT 240 model, but it's useable for other Teltonika models too since they have a common firmware.

                                Bridged Teltonika router as source for router or mesh network

May 04, 2023

Shelly 1 quick install

Updated 2023-05-04 !

This post focus on Shelly 1(S1), a really a nice automation device with great versatility, but much of the content is also valid for some of Shellys other devices using the gen1 API.

Setup for the later version, Shelly Plus 1, is found here !!

S1 is a WiFi switch, 16 Amps, with dry contacts and the function "without Internet" + that the S1 can use a 12V DC source makes it perfect for an "use case" in a boat/mobile home.

It's compatible with Alexa, Google or HomeKit using HomeBridge or as a "native" HomeKit device using Mongoose firmware(Flashed via a standard WEB browser !)

May 03, 2023

Shelly PLUS 1 quick install

Updated 2023-05-03 !

In a former post I made a writing about Shelly 1(S1) and this post will handle about the successor Shelly PLUS 1(SP1) but much of the content is also valid for some of Shellys other devices which uses the same software/API.

To keep it simple, SP1 is a WiFi switch, 16 Amps, with dry contacts but compared to the S1 the hardware and the software is updated. 

The function "without Internet" + that the SP1 can use a 12V DC source makes it perfect for an "use case" in a boat/mobile home.

May 01, 2023

HomeKit bridge with Shelly/Shelly 1

Updated 2023-05-01 !

I really recommend flashing, via WEB-browser, the device with Mongoose software to avoid Homebridge.
HomeBridge is used for this setup and to make it appear in the Apple Home app.

The main advantage with the Shelly devices are that they are WiFi enabled and therefore You don't have to use a hub, this compared to z-way/zigbee and some other solutions. 

First install Shelly1(S1).

April 02, 2023

Bootable installer for "any" MAC OS

Updated 2023-06-11 !

The use case is that I had an old iMac, max OS is High Sierra, that crashed and it didn't work with an Internet or Time Machine restore.

The other MAC:s I have are running Catalina or Big Sur and if you try to download and older OS, via app-store, you just get an error saying that the running OS don't accept the download of an old OS.

The universal way to create an USB installer seems to be using the command "createinstallmedia", requires OS X 10.7 Lion or later, but you need the respective OS install app !

A new, better ??, without Python dependences is found here.

April 01, 2023

macOS Ventura on unsupported Mac

In former posts, Big Sur(11.7) and Monterey(12.7), I went through how to update an old MacBook Air 4.2, (mid 2011, SSD, 4 Gb memory) which has a Non-Metal GPU.

In this post I will update a MacBook Air 6.2 with SSD, Mid 2013,
 to Ventura(13.5) with the same patcher but the latest version 6.2 !! 

This is despite that max OS for this Mac is Big Sur

Awesome !!!

Supported models are found here.

March 27, 2023

Node-Red on MCU:s, Raspberry Pi Pico W

Since I'm not a programmer, and probably never will be 😉, I really like Node-Red(NR). NR is also a nice way trying to learn some JavaScript via the function nodes.

I also appreciate hardware, MCUs, like ESP32 and Raspberry Pi Pico but find it a little hard to code in MicroPython or C++.

Somewhere ?? on the WEB i found some applications that can export NR json code to C++ and run it on several MCUs.

As you understand I had to check it out... 

March 12, 2023

Upgrade from Buster to Bullseye, Raspberry

Uppdated 2023-10-28 !

I have been running a Raspberry Pi 2(RPi) for several years with Buster and the applications;

When I started with the RPi it was Jessie, then Stretch and Buster. Every time I upgraded the SD card to the latest OS and it just worked. It should been said that I always waited a year or so and I'm using the RPi headless without any GUI.

Now it was time to go from Buster to Bullseye !

March 11, 2023

Raspberry/Linux print server Windows/Apple, CUPS

Updated 2023-03-12 !

When we upgraded our WiFi to a Mesh solution, TP-link Deco M9, our old printer, WiFi connected, didn't want to "play" with us anymore. This was due to stronger encryption which wasn't supported. Since the printer just have WiFi or USB connection, no standard Ethernet, I was looking for another solution.

We have no computer running 24/7 except a Raspberry Pi, RPi, which is handling our home automation, Homebridge. So the solution was to use CUPS on that RPi.

On the web there are several posts/manuals how to install CUPS on a RPi so this post will refer to one of these and then some additional hints regarding, Apple AirPrint, Windows Network Printer, scanning....

March 01, 2023

NTP server on Raspberry & Linux(Offline)

Uppdated 2023-02-01 !

The use case, creating an offline NTP, was that I'm on our boat sometimes don't have an Internet connection but always have a connected GPS. The GPS updates time on a Raspberry(RPi) running Signal K.

The actual issue is that there are other devices on the LAN that needs to be updated and then you need an NTP server.

Of course this setup is also valid for a RPi/server, with a RTC, acting as a NTP server in an isolated LAN.  

February 20, 2023

Z-Wave on Raspberry PI

Updated 2023-02-23 !

Installing a Z-Wave controller on Raspberry Pi is much easier than You think.

The only add on You need is the Razberry Z-wave Shield and free software from the same site.

January 20, 2023

Seatalk 1 and NMEA2000 combined

Updated 2023-01-20 !

Our boat was delivered, 2006, with just Raymarine equipment using network Seatalk 1(ST1), and some NMEA0183(N1). Updates and additional equipment will use the newer NMEA2000(N2K). We will keep the two well functioning Raymarine 12”, E120, and the radar. In addition, for Navigation purposes, we use the iPad app iSailor.

The easy way to combine ST1 with N2K is to use the Raymarine Seatalk 1 to Seatalk NG(STNG) converter, Raymarine E22158. STNG and N2K is the same protocol, with some dialectal differences, but have different cabling.

Don't miss this post where I'm presenting additional solutions, including a NMEA WiFi gateway, and add ons.

January 02, 2023

 Updated 2023-01-02 !

OpenPlotter(OP), a Boat Navigation application, is really a nice and simple installation of
and other supporting applications for Your boat.

Please note that OP V2 is outdated use .......

November 28, 2022

Calculate wind using U and V GRIB components, NodeRed, JS

Updated 2022-11-28 !

In a former post I showed how to download and extract data from forecast GRIB files but avoided to handle if the wind direction and speed was declared as U and V components, vectors. 

In this post I will extract wind data from a GRIB forecast file and use the U V components to calculate, and display, wind speed and direction at a chosen point. The data is visualized as graphs in a NodeRed dashboard.

Normally, using charts in NodeRed, the timestamp is taken from the time when the input message is created but here I will use the timestamp from the forecast, loading the whole chart in one go.

November 06, 2022

Speedtest LAN and Internet/WAN, iperf3

Updated 2022-11-06 !

Sometimes I'm a little confused if it's the local network that is the bottleneck or if the ISP, Internet Service Provider, is slow.

In a former post I used 2 applikations to get the information, from both the local LAN and Internet, but on the other hand it maybe hade been nice with a more lightweight approach. 

From this post I got inspiration and discovered a nice little application "iperf3" which is available for several OS.

October 01, 2022

Internet speed measure II

New to Node-Red(NR) ? Maybe start with a simple application You direct can benefit from.

This application is measuring Your Internet connection at chosen intervals using and showing the result in a graph. If the speed is under a set value it will send You an e-mail.

Show the measured Internet speed in Apples Home app ?

September 18, 2022

Victron monitoring solution, Venus, on Raspberry

Updated 2022-09-18 !

Victron have a state-of-the-art monitoring solution used by the GX products. It can monitor their other system components such as inverter/chargers, solar chargers, shunts, and batteries both local and remote all over the world.

If you have a smaller Victron solution it is nice to know that the same software, Venus OS(VOS), can run on a Raspberry Pi(RPi) instead of the more expensive and versatile GX products.

August 16, 2022

macOS Monterey on unsupported Mac

Updated 2022-08-16 !

In a former post I went trough how to update an old MacBook Air 4.2, (mid 2011, SSD, 4 Gb memory) to Big Sur and in this post I will update the Mac to Monterey with the same patcher !! 

This is despite that max OS for the Mac is High Sierra. This is done, among other things, due to that the patcher handles Macs with graphic cards from 2008 - 2011 which Monterey doesn't do natively.

Since my former upgrade, to Big Sur, included a format of the SSD disk I here used the patcher to do an upgrade from Big Sur to Monterey.

Awesome !!!

July 27, 2022

RS-232 with displays & AV equipment

The use case for this post is that a got a request from a customer where a commercial displays brightness, used for digital signage, should be put at a minimum when there is no people in the surroundings.

After some checking I found that on most displays, even on our own TV set, there is a
 connector for the RS - 232 protocol that accepts commands similar to the commands sent by the remote control.

A nice explanation on how it works is found here.